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Daniel Ethan Finneran

Literature | Culture | Words | Ideas

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Of impressive degrees from prestigious universities, my humble walls are barren. My name, a modest but a good one, is unadorned by such exalted combinations of letters as “JD”, “MD”, or “Ph.D”–honorifics of which none but the honorable can boast (and boast they most certainly will!) 

I speak to you not as an elite, but as an equal; not as an Ivy League pedant, but as an honest friend, one with whom you can, in the most agreeable and civilized fashion, feel comfortable to argue; from whom, on all subjects ranging from philosophy, to literature, to politics, to health, you can expect to receive a frank and thoughtful opinion; and, above all, in whom you can trust. 

Such is the promise of a simple man whose entire approach to life involves but two acts: “plain living and high thinking”–acts in which the great English Romantic poet, William Wordsworth, instructed me, whose reversal, to their equally great detriment, most people have adopted as their chosen way of life. 

I am, by and large, self-taught. This is no boast; an idle student, I stumbled into reading belatedly. Now, I’m captivated by books, caught in their thickets of words and ideas from which I find it impossible to disentangle myself. Knowledge has enriched my life in no small way, and I hope it will be an enrichment to yours as well. I hope to elevate the common discourse, to bring beauty back to words, to help educate the younger generation, to challenge the fixed notions of the elder, to play gracefully with all ideas, and, more than anything else, to seek and spread wisdom.

If you also want these things, you’re in the right place. Welcome to Finneran’s Wake.  


“Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, and many opinions; for opinion is but knowledge in the making”. -John Milton

Here, I can assure you, there is much desire to learn! Let us argue, then, and write, and opine, and know. Above all, let us dare to know. Sapere Aude, my friends.

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“You never talk about yourself without loss: condemn yourself, and you are always believed; praise yourself, and you never are.” –Montaigne

And so, on my Podcast, I seldom talk about myself. The topics, rather, on which I expound range from philosophy, to literature, to politics. Oh! And you’ll not want to miss my conversations with Cuban immigrants, business leaders, and Anti-Racist instructors.
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“To catch a Dragon in a cherry net, to trip a Tigress with a gossamer.” -Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Trip and fall into a world of adventure and wonder! Get lost for a while in this magical realm. Listen to or read my stories about myths and heroes.

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“Let us ponder boldly–’tis a base abandonment of reason to resign our right of thought." -Lord Byron

I urge you, here and now, reclaim and exercise your first and most inalienable right: your right of thought! Watch my videos to learn how.

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Daniel Ethan Finneran

Literature | Culture | Words | Ideas

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Literature | Culture | Words | Ideas

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News, politics, history, poetry, philosophy, literature, life: A little university in the palm of your hand (far less expensive, I assure you, than that from which you took your degree!); An eloquent voice between your ears (to which, I dare say, you’ll not soon tire of listening!) Intended neither to inflame nor to polarize, but to pursue truth. What end could be greater? Sapere Aude my friends! Dare to think. Dare to seek. Dare to know!


Daniel Ethan Finneran

Literature | Culture | Words | Ideas

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Wondrous tales of heroes and myths for your child’s enlightenment (and your entertainment!) Gather your little ones, ready your minds, and join me, as we embark together (all of us!–parents included!) on fantastic adventures in distant lands. Here, on Finneran’s Wake, you’ll find THE greatest stories ever told–the stories passed down from one generation to the next since the dawn of time, by which our great culture has been raised and refined, and your child will be too.


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Immerse yourself in a world of myth and wonder, of grand designs and noble endeavors, in which heroes and heroines fight, love, live, and play, and from which you and your little ones are sure to emerge much wiser, cultured, and interesting people! Explore all my episodes here!


Daniel Ethan Finneran

Literature | Culture | Words | Ideas

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A compilation of all my written work, of whose diversity of themes and ingenuity of expression, I guarantee, you’ll never grow weary. From prose to poems, epistles to mythological tales, biographical sketches to philosophical musings, political criticisms to personal reflections on a five-day water fast—there’s scarce any genre into which I’ll not dip my toe. I admit, sometimes I wade too deep. Sometimes I’m overtaken by the tide of imagination, by the winds of fancy with which my sails are too readily filled. But one must venture to know his limits in the vast expanse of ideas. What do you say? Come along, embark on the journey, and take a leap with me!


Daniel Ethan Finneran

Literature | Culture | Words | Ideas

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Literature | Culture | Words | Ideas

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A collection of my videos, both short and long. Check out my original series, “60-Second Scholar”, in which I explain, as concisely, simply, and engagingly as possible, some of the most complicated and fascinating topics with which to stimulate and improve your mind. In a minute’s time, I explain everything from the meaning of Metaphysics, to the cause of the Reichstag Fire, to the Battle of Actium, to the Tragedy of Macbeth, to St. Anselm’s ontological argument for the existence of God (yes–even that!).


Daniel Ethan Finneran

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“I do not loathe ideas that go against my own. I am so far from shying away when others’ judgments clash with mine, so far from making myself unsympathetic to the companionship of men because they hold to other notions or parties, that, on the contrary, just as the style followed by nature is variety—even more in minds than in bodies, since minds are of a more malleable substance capable of accepting more forms—I find it much rarer to see our humors and purposes coincide. In the whole world there has never been two identical opinions, any more than two identical hairs or seeds. Their most universal characteristic is diversity.”
